C Program Files Windows Live Mail Wlmail Exeter Rating: 8,6/10 4856 reviews

How to permanently set Windows Live Mail 2009 to go to the 'Inbox' instead of the last folder viewed.I have used the method of adding /mail to the Windows Live Mail 2009 shortcut to get it to open to the default account of 'Inbox.' Note the 'space delimiter' in front of / which is essential.Examples:'C:Program FilesWindows LiveMailwlmail.exe' /mailor'C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveMailwlmail.exe' /mailThis worked well for extended periods, but sometimes when rebuilding Windows 7 from an image restore or even from scratch, Windows Live Mail reverted to opening at the last folder viewed, much to my annoyance.My question is, can the Registry be edited in some way to make the patch permanent? Hi Sarah,Spent all day and tonight at it. Haven't had a meal yet.

C Program Files Windows Live Mail Wlmail Exeter Pa

Worked through a minor heatwave of 34C, but we get minus 4C to plus 45C here.I finally used a combination of restoring parts of about 20 backup images. I use Terabyte Unlimited's IFL.To complicate matters, my Users and Profiles are on drive D and I had fiddled with those too. Cwcheat cheatpops.db download free. I hate having Users and Profiles on drive C SSD as it makes for large images which can sometimes overwrite ones data.Changing about 4 usernames later, I finally got it all back together and we are talking about something like 1.5 million files on the computer. Then I also have five external eSata, USB3 and USB2 external dsks for multiple backups of various types.Anyway, much cutting and pasting later it is opening to the 'Inbox' again no matter which folder it is closed from. It's Windows Live Mail 2009. No 'Offshore' or 'Cloud' computing thanks due to my mainframe days and cracking security and then being put in Audit for a while.

C Program Files Windows Live Mail Wlmail Exeter

Too long a story, but I worked from Big Iron down. I could even ring the interstate HQ and tell them their mainframe was about to crash. What would you know they would ask as they put the phone down. A minute later the phone would ring.

What do you know they queried:)Ended up being totally responsible for all to do with every workstation, accounting machine, cash register, mini-computer, three generations of WP, Wang Olivetti Wang again etc. In house or being purchased. The girls asked for every option for a 4 workstation, two printer and one WP processing unit. Total cost $70,000 and 14 months before we received the go ahead to buy. Oh, and I cabled too.

Ended up editing their own VTOCs too. That took some talking to Wang to release it to them.Like you, I would still prefer a solid Registry hack to make it permanent. I gutted the Registry a few times today in between image restores. Even searched for '/mail'. It seems that it resides somewhere in Users and or Profiles from my experience, but one would think searching the Registry would turn something up. Did come across some suffixed data '/mail%%url' or similar which I tried renaming to '/mail'.


Food for thought to put to your experts. Will await an answer in my Inbox when you have it sorted. For me it is currently done and dusted, but even from my first computer problem in the 1970s, I always thrived on the 'impossible' tasks and requests like a bull to a red rag. I should change the heading to reflect that I am using an older WLM version.Read my original post referring to my use of Windows Live Mail 2009.

It's all working now as it should.Wouldn't touch the later WLM 'live' versions with a barge pole and at my age don't require 'social networking' either.Put it down to my early computer days in the 1970s when I cracked mainframe security and having produced printed evidence, was given a stint in audit to add to my considerable problem solving skills. Ah, the good old days when a little bit of hardware went a very long way and cost a small fortune:).