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Being shot by a bullet is terrifying. Often, you wake up immediately after you die in a dream. In some cases, you do not always die from the bullet.

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Instead, you are forced to keep fighting through your injury or have to run away from the assailant. When you are finally able to wake up, you are left wondering what the bullet and your survival mean about your subconscious mind.From what scientists and researchers can tell, dreams are a reflection of the subconscious mind. They include the thoughts, feelings and desires that you experience in your waking life. Because of this, each aspect of your dream may represent something unique about your waking world. It may show your desires, fears or current problems.When it comes to being shot in a dream, the emotions involved are normally fear, anger and confusion. At the root of this dream is a sense of being victimized.

You are being hurt at the hands of someone else, and the other person has an advantage. Their gun means that you are at risk as you run away or try to fight.In a dream, a gun typically represents a sense of dominance or strength. It may also represent a fight for desire. Depending on your own experiences, a gun could also signify social status, a certain lifestyle or a career. Often, a gun represents a speedy response and defense.

The true interpretation of this depends on the number of gunmen, the kind of gun and how serious the fight is.If you are shot by a gunman that you cannot see, it generally means that you feel stricken or hurt by the words that other people say. Perhaps someone is gossiping behind your back and causing problems in your waking life.

If you dream that you shoot someone else, it could mean that you are rejecting that person or an aspect of yourself. They may represent a certain feeling or attitude in your waking life. You shoot them in the dream because you want to reject that feeling within yourself.When someone shoots you in the dream, it can also mean that you are trying to reject a certain part of yourself.

Even the most emotionally balanced individuals have feelings or traits that they dislike within their mind. Being shot in the dream could mean that you are trying to reject that aspect of yourself. To figure out the trait that you are trying to reject, look at the type of person who is the gunmen.

Do they represent a certain feeling or experience to you? If so, your mind may be trying to reject that thought or experience within yourself. Bullets, Guns and More InterpretationsAccording to some dream interpreters, watching a bullet get shot in your dream means that there is a situation of hardship in your real life. You may feel attacked or you may feel like there is a significant level of competition in the real world. There may be other people making decisions in your life that you have no power over. You feel like your only option is to get shot because you cannot take control and determine your own future. Because of this, the dream may mean that you are in a situation where you lack the authority or power to make your own choices.

The good news is that you were not harmed in the dream. This means that those individuals are not able to harm you in real life. While you feel attacked and powerless, you are ultimately unaffected by those individuals. You are still injured, but you have some power to take control and achieve your aims.On its own, a gun generally shows a fight for survival. If you are being shot at by gang members, then it shows that you feel overwhelmed in your real life.

You feel like everyone is united against you, and you are the minority struggling to make your case. This may show some of your major fears and frustrations.If you are in a natural environment or at home, it typically shows your fight over familiar territory. It means that it is most likely a home, family or friend-related situation that is making you upset. In an urban environment or city, the same actions show a fight for survival for your social status, career position or financial status.If you are hunting in the dream and get shot, it shows a fight for survival.

Hunting an animal shows that you are trying to survive and be self-reliant. If you are shot during your hunt, it shows that you feel unable to survive on your own. As hard as you work, it seems impossible to keep your head above water.Dream of Getting Shot in the HeadYour mind is revealing concerns and worries that influence your actions in your waking life. The sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and many physical sensations interact with the sensory organs of our head.

Your ideas and emotions appear in your mind as thoughts. Each of these aspects of your life may be represented by your head. When you dream of getting shot in the head, it is an indication that there may be a stressful or frustrating influence that is having an impact in your life.You may find that a specific wound becomes apparent in your dream.

If you were shot in the eye, then there may have been a recent sight or vision that made you feel uncomfortable or worried. Harmful or loud conversations could cause you feel as though your ears we damaged. Smelling or tasting blood could be an indication of events that occurred in the past.

Many people felt the blood pulsing or streaming out of the bullet hole, which could be a sign of a physically stressful interaction.Some dreams immediately end after being shot in the end, which may mean that there was a conclusion what occurred during your waking life. A fatal wound that continues throughout your dream could indicate what is causing the stress which remains in your mind.

Dream of Being Shot in the ChestOur body, especially our chest, is often a reflection of the way that we interact with the world. Like our brain, our heart and lungs are of vital importance.

The organs in our chest give our body vitality and power, which may be an indication of the purpose behind the dream. When you dream of being shot in the chest, it may be a sign that you feel drained or weakened from something in your life.The wound in your chest can be best understood by how it affects the rest of your dream. If you feel like you are winded or short of breath, then there may be a passive or constant pressure that you are dealing with. If you feel weak or heavy, then something powerful or dominant in your life may be causing you to feel crushed. You may feel tired or empty, and this may be a sign that a requirement in your life is leaving you drained.You behaviors in your dream are indications of the manner in which you overcome the concerns in your life. Hospitals or doctors may be a sign that you address concerns in your life when they arise.

If you continue your mission within your dream, then you likely focus on your goals rather than the stresses in your life.Dream of Getting Shot in the Back. The back is often used to indicate betrayal and treachery. If you dream of getting shot in the back, then it is possible that you are having problems with a social or familial relationship. You may have had a relationship end, been lied to, or abandoned. Feelings of distrust or paranoia may appear in these dreams as well. There may be a struggle that you are experiencing that is caused by an unknown source.Other people in your dream could give you insight as to the purpose or meaning behind the images.

If there are numerous people in your dream, then you may be confused about who is causing you concerns. There may be others who are there to help you, and their actions could be indications of their support during your waking life.These dreams should lead you to make a decision about your life. There could be something in your life that you are not understanding, and this uncertainty may be appearing in your dream. Look into your dream for clues or insights. This may be a sign that something in your like is being overlooked or hidden from you. Speak with your friends and your family about any questions that you may have at this time.Dream of Being Shot Multiple TimesMultiplicity may appear in a dream to signify numerous influences in your life which may be causing your stress and concerns.

Numerous social relationships or repetitive interactions could be indicated by a dream like this. When you dream of being shot multiple times, you should look back on the experiences that you have had recently.Various people, media, and memories could be causing you to feel overwhelmed. These dreams could also reveal a history of similar relationships or thoughts. There may be a social group or class of individuals that are making you feel pressure or stress. You may have recently consumed various media, such as horror or action movies. These dreams may leave you feeling like you are isolated or singled out.The dream will bring you insight into what is causing you to feel concerned with your life.

If there are a group of people, then attempt to understand what similarities that they have. There may be a connection that will help to better understand the purpose of the dream. Strengthen your relationships with your friends and family members, as this will help you feel supported in your waking life. Reduce the amount of interactions that you have with people who you do not trust or who make you feel uncertain.Getting Shot in a Dream and Feeling the PainDuring your waking life, pain is an indication that you are being harmed or that something needs to be addressed. In a dream, you may find that you feel these sensations.

Getting shot in a dream and feeling the pain is an indication of a strong mental connection with the experiences in this dream. It may mean that there is something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.These dreams are often extremely vivid in other ways as well, so you may be someone who has lucid dreams or simply remembers your dreams very well. There may have been a particularly biting interaction that you had recently. Perhaps something in your life was extremely powerful, such as a frightening interaction or sudden loss.When you have dreams where the pain is felt, you should take time to understand what may have caused this dream to appear in the first place. When you are awake, ensure that you address what is causing you to be fearful or in pain.

Remove the stress from your life, or address it in a manner that will reduce its influence on your thoughts and feelings. It is certain that there are benefits to be gained by changing what you allow into your life. I dreamt that I was in my Lodge and fight suddenly broke out and everyone was running and some guys were shooting at the people but I was just sitting on a rock, relaxed and observing everything even though i got hit by stray bullets; three times on the stomach to which I remained indifferent then one of the shooters turned and saw me and he shot me and I got hit on the stomach again, that was when I panicked and ran away looking for a hospital to get surgery. I wasn’t in pain but I felt really uncomfortable and i was saying I needed to go to a hospital to remove the bullets before they damage my internal organs, I walked around a lot in the dream with the four bullet wound before I woke up. Then I had a false awakening where I woke up and was telling my family about the dream and I had chest pain which I think was from the bullet.

After that, I finally woke up. I just had a dream where the gun assilant was some fat white dude I had never seen before and he flipped out a huge shotgun out of his little sedan trunk in front of a bus station. He shot others first then which is where I hid behind a car before he saw me and came close to me ti shoot me. I then tried to block the shot with some kind of metal garbage can and he shot me through the can hitting me on my arm near the armpit which is where the big artery is and I was gushing blood from the small wound it made.

Then I realized this could be where I die so I tried to pick up the phone to leave a dying message and thats when I woke up. Never had this kind of dream before. I had a dream that I was in the laundry mat but it was like old school themed with computers because I remember a guy asking to use the one I was folding clothes at then my best friend was there but had left to go to the store and once she left this guy had came and started shooting everybody I wasn’t scared yet though once he looked at me I saw his face he was a Chinese looking guy and started yelling at me then a fun appeared on my hip and he shot me in the neck multiple times but I didn’t die instead I woke up to the bed vibrating bc someone was calling me. I just had a dream I was in town walking to the taxis until i met this guy who was also from shopping. We walked together and he took us through a passage. Some guy was riding a bicycle behind us and mugged us.

He took this other guys’ groceries and left mine. My guy took mine and ran with it, leaving me behind. The thief pulled a gun out and started shooting at us. One trigger at the guy that ran away and 3/4 more at me.I surprisingly got shot on my right hand. Had 3 scratches that were so painful.

I had a dream that i was getting shot by someone in chest for multiple times and I felt something very hot in my chest, I saw blood,I was having hard times to breathe, I also felt pain. After getting shot I fell on the ground and my thought was that I will reach hospital at any cost and so i started crawling.Finally I got near to hospital and call doctor by shouting for help and they took me for treatment. After that I waked up from my dreams.

This is probably strangest dream i have ever seen. I have never feel pain and short of breathe in my dream. I had a dream that i was with maybe hundreds of people standing in many lines where we were playing a game. We were all in a natural environment which looked to be a random field or clearing near/in the forest. The game was some weird form of russian roulette where everyone would face the gunman and then turn away from the gunman over and over while we remain moving in the lines. The gunman, an unknown white male, stood in front of all of us holding a shotgun. Eventually at some point in the game i had turned my back to the gunman and he fired.

Although i thought he had shot the person in front of me, i was the one who had been shot in the head. The bullet went through the back of my head and out at the front in between my eyebrow area.

I didn’t necessarily feel pain. My friends took me to the hospital where i was angered and confused because they made no rush to take me into surgery and had me waiting as if i had a regular injury. I felt delirious and dizzy and had a headache from the pressure but that was about it.

I was still alive, walking around and talking as if i was fine but i woke up before anything else could happen. The location of your dream was a school gymnasium. The shooting within your dream is an indication of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. The hospital may be a sign of how you may manage similar events in your waking life.

Abstain from consuming violent and dramatic media, as this will reduce similar dreams from manifesting in the future. Ensure that you share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life, as this will draw positive people and energy into your life. Have a great day, Ziii! I dreamt last night that I was in a car going fast with my ex-husband. A motorcycle got in front of the car, due to road rage, and began shooting with a hand gun. Shot both of us.

Him in the shoulder and head. Shot me in the chest. The blood was dark blue. I was in pain and gasping for air.

I never remember my dreams but can tell you everything about this one. The motorcycle rider was blind, blue armless shirt, bike was black. He shot and missed me a few times but last one landed on the right side of my chest. I had a dream I was with my school for some type of first day event. I was talking to people I have generally avoided, and I remember some type of interaction regarding getting s shirt for doing someone’s homework. I was with a mysterious figure that I can’t remember, although I ran into my ex of 7 months, and I remember thinking she would be upset to see me with this person. I felt glee at this notion.

I also remember this really attractive girls friends coming up to me and calling me cute, I’m usually pretty self conscious so this lifted my esteem so vividly, I thought it was all real. Then I approached the bathroom. My father was there and I remember having a great time with him infront of the mirror, singing and laughing and everything. I thought to myself, it would be weird if the girls saw me leave with my dad so hastily. So I waited in the bathroom stall for a small moment. Then, through a blue door with a rectangular glass panel, I began to hear gunshots and see smoke. Everything after this point was so vivid and realistic I thought I was actually dying.

After the shots began I was calm at first, “it’s okay, you’re 14 many people have been through shootings in their lives. I heard screams and try to move away from the stalls to a back area with less visibility. As I do this the shooter sees me through the glass and opens fire. He’s an African American, 50s or 60s.

As I move I feel something tear into my arm, it’s a bullet I thought, after this I began turning to thoughts of life, living life in a cast, but then I see more bullets emerge and penetrate the stall door. After this I begin to sprint for cover, i hear a newscast say, suspect is on the run and suspected of killing 12 year old Edwuardo Cortez, my thoughts were vivid at my last moments, was thinking thoughts of anger, spite. Why would this man target me? I’m his second child victim, only lived to 14. And then bullets completely rattled me I assume because my thoughts were silented instantly, and my vision turned into only seeing a grey circle in my conscious mind. Everything in the bathroom happened within 30 seconds, faster then you could realize.

My last thoughts were of fear, people cutting into my body for an autopsy, a funeral for me, the people in the bathroom seeing me, my spirit, my conscience die out right before their eyes, but that’s what happened. I see an Asian women with some black object blocking her eyes scream as I felt myself go, an then I simply die, and wake up in the real world.

I was slightly aware that my dream wasn’t real, however it was almost an alternative reality until I was killed, people I had felt uncomfortable with I was talking to fine, and I bonded with them. I felt the glee of being with my father, I felt the tingle of regret when I saw my ex, the boost in moral when the girl complimented me. But I also felt the pain so vividly, the regret and confusion, and this dream state of my consciousness had convinced itself it had died by a man with a gun.Hey. The presence of your ex within this dream is an indication of your previous social and emotional relationship with him. The gunshots and smoke is an indication of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. The thoughts of anger and spite that you felt in your dream are indications of other negative influences in your life. You will find great benefit from abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media.

The positive energy that you felt from your father and the girl is an indication of your knowledge of positive and beneficial relationships. Ensure that you share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will honor the memory of your father. Have a great day, Bob! My dream began with my whole family in a house in the middle of a field on the mountains. We were celebrating Christmas Eve.

Suddenly we heard a shooting in neighbour houses. To then, see a school bus with neon lights and creepy Christmas music stopping in front of our house, with guys wearing animal masks coming down from it and entering our house. At the end, we all just decided to lay down on the floor cause we knew what was going to happen.

Awesome Kong You Shoot Me In A Dream

I was holding my cousin’s hand the whole time, even laying down on the floor. I didn’t dream of dying, just closing my eyes knowing my fate and waking up. I dreamed about hanging out with family going to a small store getting out and seeing two guy robbing a car I manage to grab the gun shoot them but one managed to grab it back and shoot me in the head. I woke up in a hospital I believe on a Tuesday. I see my family hang out. They leave the prepare me for an operation to get the bullet out Then I got to a room that a bad room.

Like “devil ’16″ I come back to my room with nail marks and stuff. I slowly pass away with my vision turning black and white only color I see are yellow sticker stars Then I wake up. Dreams about being harmed or chased are often indications of concerns or worries that you may have within your life. It seems that many aspects of your dreams are related to shows or movies that you have seen. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media.

If you have similar dreams in the future, then address whoever is chasing you about their purpose. You will draw positive people and energy into your life by sharing your kindness and compassion at all times. Have a great day, Kaylee! Your parents’ beliefs regarding your gender identity is a reflection of their personal concerns. You have the right to make any decision that you want to make about your body, your decisions, and your life. You are aware of the violence against trans people, recent shootings, and other violent events. These negative influences in your life have certainly caused this dream to manifest.

Awesome Kong You Shoot Me In A Dream Youtube

Ensure that this dream guides you to share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. You may want to address your concerns with your parents again, as this will help them better understand your position and life. If they respond in a negative manner, then you may want to speak with someone who can support your identity. There are many counselors who may be willing to support you and your identity at this time. Have a great day, Sara!

I dreamt that me, my two cousins, and my mom was in a car and it was some other little boy inside the car. He looked familiar buh I couldn’t make out who he is. Then while we was driving past a bank, he pulled out his gun and started to shoot up the bank while we was driving. Then right after he shot up the bank he shoots one on my cousins in the thigh. Then all of a sudden we are in some apartment in the cousin that got shot is sitting on the floor still conscious but started to look a little dizzy. After that the little walks out the bank vault ( I don’t understand why the bank vault is in the apartment) and walks by us like nothing happened, says bye, and walk towards the elevator.


Then my mom said something buh I couldn’t make out what it was because while he was walking I was gonna try and grab him from behind but he heard what my mom said so he turned around and saw me but I was close enough to grab the gun before he can shoot. So my and the little boy and wrestling for the gun (don’t know how the little boy is stronger than me) and he points it at my neck and shoots me in my neck. When he shoots me in my neck I felt a wave of dizziness but also a wave of unconsciousness like I was unconscious for 5 seconds.

When he did this I felt it in my neck like I actually got shot in my neck. Then I backed off and he walked in the elevator and left like nothing just happened. So I look back at my mom and my two cousins in relief then I just drop on my knees. I look down and see my hand covered in blood and blood is dripping on the floor.

Then I look at my cousin and seen that his eyes are closed but still breathing and I used that to push through the pain and make sure that he can get to the hospital and survive. So I told my mom to carry my cousin and I gained enough energy to walk to the car. So my other cousin was very scared for us because we got shot. So we get to the car and drive off and a black out a couple of times while we was in our way.

We finally make it to the hospital and I told the doctor “ make sure that he survives this and use me if you need too”. Basically what i was saying was that I wanted my cousin to survive more than I did and if he needs blood or something like that take it from me.

Then they gave me a needle and it went black. Soon after I couldn’t see buh I could hear. Then I heard my cousin said “ we made it out and we’re alive”. After I heard that I opened my eyes and saw my cousin smiling in the chair next to me. He got up and and did the secret handshake that me made I real life. We both chuckled then I took a deep breath and when I exhaled I saw a light that grew bigger and bigger and then I woke up.

When I woke up I had pain in my neck at the exact spot that I got shot at in my dream and plus it was red in that area. This the first time a ever turned red from a dream.

Then I realized that the hospital that we went to in the dream, I actually know where that hospital is and I’m right down the street from it. I’m only 15 so having a dream like this is a little concerning buh I also been through a lot so can this be the reason for this dream.

The presence of your family members is an indication of your emotional and familial relationships. The shooting within your dream is an indication of recent shootings and other violent events. The experiences that you had after being shot may be a sign of your thoughts regarding your behaviors in a similar experience. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. Ensure that this dream guides you to share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy into your life. Have a great day, Darius!

Yep, so my dream was vivid, but only at a certain point. I remember being surrounded by people that were considered people that I knew, only in the dream not in real life, and someone was shooting at me multiple times, missed every time, but like a minute later came up to me and shot me in my right eye.

I could feel the billet piercing my eye and my vision went black. I didn’t feel pain more so, pressure to the right eye. I could remember the people I knew bringing me to some place or someone to stitch up the wound. After that i obviously could see only out of my left eye and I felt the emptiness in my right. Weird, weird dream as I read the descriptions but have not seen anything in real life that is disturbing or frightening for me. This dream is a manifestation of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. The eye may be an indication of something that you have recently seen, but you feel that you have not recently seen something disturbing or frightening.

There may be something that you have seen that may be harmful, but that you do not feel is harmful. This may be violent media or inappropriate behaviors. Introspection will bring you many benefits in the future. Share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy into your life.

Have a great day, Allison! Last night I dreamt that there was a man that was pulled over (he was 30ish and not a scary man). I was on the passenger side in the backseat of a car next to him, and saw him reach into a satchel and pull out a short, but wide-barreled black pistol. I said, “is that a gun???” and he said “yes!” and shot me! Even though I was facing him, I was shot in the upper back twice and a bullet grazed my head. I crouched down behind the passenger seat was thinking “I am not going to die, but I need to get help!” And then I woke up.

I feel like this has to do with an argument I had yesterday with my husband. We really and truly never argue, but he made a financial decision that I learned of yesterday that I am very upset about.

He says he told me about it, which he did, but I don’t think he fully explained it and I feel that he put me in a potentially vulnerable situation in the future should something happen to him before me. He is 65 and I am 58 and we’ve been married 18 years. I don’t have children, and have never made a lot of money, so financial security when I am elderly is starting to become very important to me. He makes a lot of money, has a financially successful daughter (that will never be my caretaker), and a family business that I will never be a part of because I am not in the blood-line, so I think my fears are justified, but he doesn’t understand it. You have equated your financial insecurity with the shooting within the dream, and this connection seems viable. The dream of the shooting is an indication of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. It is possible that the financial concerns in your life make you fearful in a similar manner.

You should address your valid concerns with your partner, as you do not feel financially secure. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well, and make whatever decision that you feel is appropriate. Have a great day, Camper!